Most of you probably relate to this feeling I have, being trapped, stuck doing something you don't wanna do and that's taking all of your time. Wether it is studying, working, or whatever that makes you feel like you are wasting your time. And there's nothing worse than that, wasting time.We don't live forever, we have a limited amount of time to live our life and feeling like you are investing that time in things you don't want to is horrible.
Anyways, I ain't here today to tell you "Go ahead and say fuck it, do whatever you wanna do with your life, live your life, enjoy it and don't do things you don't like". No, I am just here taking a break from that terrible feeling I just talked about, cause I know we gotta go through this times where we feel like we are in prision, and since most of us (I would say any of us) can't reach our goals and dreams without doing things we don't enjoy doing I think we should find little things that make us feel free. In my case one of those things is doing just this, writing (in a rather terrible way, but still...), listening to music and being by myself...
I've always said it's all about the little things, you don't always find what we call "happiness" in bunches, it's usually hidden inside your headphones when the beat of your favorite song comes out of nowhere, in the kick we get on our heart when we see somebody we don't expect, or in the feeling of relief while writing and letting our thoughts flow...
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